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Author Name: Chaffin, Ed

One-Size-Fits-All Leadership is Dead! Leadership is personal and personalized. What does that mean and why is it important to embrace that ethos now? The Covid pandemic exposed, in ways that no one could have ever imagined, that people are looking for something entirely different than they have been receiving from their companies and leaders. What motivates and inspires one person may be very different from what motivates another. UnCommon Leadership® for the New Reality: 3 Principles that Drive Greater Awareness, Engagement, and Psychological Safety will provide the roadmap to evaluate oneself, where we are going, and what inspiring leadership looks like in the New Reality. Seasoned leader, highly-sought speaker, and certified coach Ed Chaffin will take an in-depth look at the following truths: Leadership starts with becoming highly aware of your belief systems, including what you believe about yourself and others Leadership requires that you know your values and have a vision for where you are going, using this conviction to inspire others Leadership requires deep, personal introspection to discover who we are, how we lead, and how we affect others with our leadership style(s) Leadership invites us to understand the people we are blessed to lead, what motivates and inspires them, and how to adjust your leadership style accordingly This is your call to action – become an UnCommon Leader and help transform how great leadership is defined. Join the UnCommon Leadership® movement now!


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